More Staff Members

Not only are we changing our name, we’re also growing rapidly! In the span of three days, we’ve gotten two more staff members.  We’re not going to tell you their last names (privacy reasons) but the staff we have now are: [the two new people are in bold]

  1. Zachary, graphics and web management
  2. Nathan, blogging and game programming
  3. Charlie, graphics
  4. Tyler, game programming
  5. Jordan, graphics
  6. Harrison, probably sound editing
  7. Christopher, C++ and game programming

Also, we’ve been able to narrow the list of names down to: (ones we like a lot are in bold)

  1. Aeroplay
  2. bluNitro
  3. Kopu Games
  4. Koi Games
  5. Kaji
  6. Unit Games
  7. Koit
  8. paraKoi
  9. Kajite

Remember, all you have to do is comment here telling us which one you like best and there will be a better chance of us changing it.

Best Regards,

-Para Pro

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