Posts Tagged 'nathan'

Announcment – What’s Happening

Well, there have been several request as to what is currently going on with Para Pro since we have not been posting much, if anything. Well, because all of us are in high school and have been working hard (at least that’s our excuse) we have not had much time to do much with the website. We are, however, starting back up with posting at least every week again. Except there’s something different.

This is my last time blogging to all of you anymore. I’m being replaced, probably by Zachary, and he may also take over Para Pro from me. I’m going to continue on working with Para Pro, but I’m no longer going to be the web designer, blogger, or owner. I’m instead going to focus only on creating games, since there are currently only two of us doing that right now. We are looking for another employee, one that is in TPS ( and has some experience in sound editing/creating and recording voices. We need this for our games, and because we are going to make some sounds to add to our website. Also, we are no longer going to continue adding graphics, as is doing that already and we create almost the exact same type of graphics as him.

So, in conclusion, we are now going to only do games, we need a TPS employeee, and we may add some sounds to our “library”. From now on, all our graphics/game sprites will be top quality and our games will be released nearly every other month, starting on February 01 (game will be called Krainn). We also have a new game, called Capsule, by myself, that we are going to put up shortly. Thank you for bearing with us the long Christmas season, and we hope you had a very special Christmas and New Years’ day.

Best Regards,

-Nathan Wood (formerly known as Para Pro)